
Purus labs condense opinie
Purus labs condense opinie

purus labs condense opinie

This ingredient is also the reason behind the vascularity and pumps will you have from this product. It not only helps in circulation but also like beta alanine and beta anhydrous gives us less fatigue and enables a faster recovery process. This in turn enables the previous ingredients to move around the body and do their job effectively. The benefits of nitric oxide are its ability to enable better circulation of blood around the body. Nitratene™ has been proven to increase nitric oxide production. The levels of Caffeine is only 200mg which is enough to give a 100kg man enough energy as studies have found the most optimal dosage of caffeine to be between 1.5mg-3mg.kg.bm. Caffeine will reduce physical fatigue and help with our metabolic rate, which is perfect just before we workout. Everyone knows the wonders of caffeine in giving us energy before a workout. Betaine Anhydrous is an amino acid that can be oxidized in the mitochondria, it has been found to increase energy, produce better repetitions, increased focus and muscular endurance, a key element that is wanted from a pre workout supplement. level in the muscle and enable us to perform for between 45seconds-4 minutes at high levels. The 2g dosage is ideal as it is enough to provide a neutral ph. By having a high acidic level in the muscle we will not be able to perform as well and is that burning feeling that we feel during intense exercise. This blend contains Beta Alanine, Caffeine, Betaine Anhydrous and Nitratene™ Beta Alanine has been included as it increases concentration in the muscles increasing the muscle’s buffering capabilities, which causes a tolerance to fatigue by increasing buffering of H+ ions, reducing the acidity of the muscle.

purus labs condense opinie

Purus Labs: Condense have been able to create an effective and potent mixture of ingredients that will enable us to get the best from our workout. Potassium on the other hand is a major ion in intracellular fluid and helps in the retention of water in the intracellular space, again aiding in avoiding dehydration. The dosage of 130mg is ideal as it is highlighted that we need at least 40mg per 100ml of water taken in. This will help us to avoid dehydration, as we will be working harder than usual. Sodium is a major ion in extracellular fluid, which will increase water retention and regulation as well as simulating the thirst mechanism. You may notice that these two ingredients a prevalent in sports drinks and that is there reason behind their inclusion. Potassium and Sodium are found in levels of 48mg and 130mg respectively. I will start with the electrolyte ingredients before moving onto the main ingredient of Condense, the ATP sustaining lactate buffering mixture. You’ve heard about how you will feel when taking the product, now lets move into the nitty-gritty stuff of the ingredients and why they have been included.


Another plus of this product is the fact that the energy you have seems clean and will last after the session and you will not have a drastic crash once it wears out.


As the session goes on will feel like you do not want to rest and I had to actively force myself to take my full rest periods as the few times before I didn’t and ended up with the biggest DOMS ever in my legs because of this new found energy! The pumps and vascularity you will get from this product are very good which was handy as last week was so sunny, gave an extra excuse to go to the beach! On a serious note the pumps and energy were excellent especially during leg day when you need that extra push. Yes, you get a slight tingling feeling, but that is what is expected from a product containing beta-alanine. It is not until you begin to workout that you feel the full effect of this product. Upon taking this product you will notice that you will not get a massive buzz as you do with other products, but instead a nice feeling of energy.

purus labs condense opinie

If using less the taste is stronger, and doesn’t mix as well. When mixing it with the recommended amount of water it tastes good and goes down well. Purus Labs have managed to create a taste that is strong and non-artificial. I’ll start this review by talking about the taste as lets be honest you don’t want to be having 40 servings of this stuff if it tastes like death. Purus Labs Condense Review What are the things that crop into your mind when you think of a pre-workout? ‘Good pump?’ ‘Energy?’ ‘Cold sweats?’ ‘Post workout crash?’ Well the good news is this product provides you with the first two examples, but not the latter.

Purus labs condense opinie